Parochial - narrow minded
Eg: He has a parochial attitude.
reprisal - an act of retaliation
Eg: Three youths died in the reprisals that followed
anathema - extreme hatred, vehemently disliking.
Eg: Copernicus was the anathema for the church
desecrate - destructing sacred places
Eg: Mughals desecrated the south Indian sacred monuments.
apostasy - [if we are following a religion, if we change the religion and start criticizing or work against the previous religion, then it is called apostasy. The person is called an apostat.]
sanctimonious - pretending to be morally greater than other people.
Eg: King's sanctimonious rebuke.
iconoclast - one who attacks established beliefs.
equanimity - calmness and composure
imperturbability - cool and calm.
Eg: Dolly Madison, was known especially for her imperturbability (equanimity), remaining calm even after British invaded Washington DC during the war of 1812.
cynical - 1) one who hates others because he believe that they do everything expecting in return.
2) skeptical, doubtful, distrust.
Eg: Most urbanites are cynical about government policies.
Malfeasance - wrong doing or misconduct.
Eg: The official could not be saved from the malfeasance charges.
lascivious, lecherous, libidinous, licentious, prurient, perversion -
excessive interest in unprincipled, dishonorable sexual matters.
embroiled - is to involve in some difficult situation or in a scandal.
Eg: Many famous politicians are embroiled in recent sexual scandals.
imbroglio - is a confused and embarrassed situation
Eg: a political imbroglio.
venal - corrupt or taking bribes.
Eg: our local govt. officers are notoriously venal.
Prevaricate - to talk evasively.
Eg: Politicians are known for prevarication when interviewed by journalists.
turpitude, depravity - if something is an act of turpitude then it is very very bad act of
malfeasance. going very low in dignity.
Thrift - wise spending, frugal
spend-thrift - to spend lavishly.
Eg: He is a spend-thrift, he is able to spend millions in one day.
parsimonious - miser, stingy.
Eg: for the first time his parsimonious friend paid the bill.
sybarite, voluptuary = one who wants to gratify his sensual pleasures, known for notorious luxuries.
Eg: The prince was remembered as a sybarite, not as a great warrior.
sensualist - one who wants gratify his sensual pleasures.
debauchee - person involving in immorality, sex, drugs. an act of debauchery(noun)
impecunious - having no money
Eg: he always thinks of his impecunious family while spending something.
penurious - poor, miserable
Eg: He couldn't face another year of penury.
insolvent - unable to pay his debts
Eg: His insolvency made him bankrupt.
affluent - rich, wealthy.
profligate - one who spends extravagantly, lavishly
Eg: The affluent father has a profligate son, who does not know the value of money.
prodigal - squandering money, spending wastefully
Eg: His prodigality vanished his wealth in two years.
avarice - excessive greed for money, wealth, possessions
Eg: The bank official embezzlement was motivated by pure avarice.
cupidity - greed for wealth and possessions.
Eg: because if inflamed cupidity, the pirates robbed the ship.
defray - pay for someone/something
Eg: My uncle defrayed the heavy tuition fees, which put me in qualms.
stipend - a fixed amount for students for assistance.
pittance - very small amount of money
Eg: This internship paid me a pittance.
dupe - A person who is easily swindled or deceived
Eg: The newspaper was duped into publishing untrue story.
mulct - fine or giving penalty for someone.
Eg: The govt increased the mulct for traffic rule-breakers.
fleece - thieving, to obtain great deal of money by swindling or duping
Eg: The city's cab drivers are notorious for fleecing tourists.
zenith, apex, acme, summit, pinnacle, apogee - highest point
Eg: He reached the zenith of his career.
Apotheosis- god like
Eg: Sachin is considered as the apotheosis of cricket.
nadir - bottom
Eg: His career in now in nadir.
untoward - not favorable
Eg: The sailors faced untoward situation en-route to England.
upbraid - rebuke
Eg: he was upbraided for his misbehavior.
underwrite - is to support financially
Eg: my father underwrited me for my new business
overweening - presumptuous, over confident and proud.
Eg: His attitude seems overweening.
dearth - paucity, rare, scarcity
Eg: There is a dearth of outstanding talent in music industry.
surfeit - surplus, excess
Eg: There was a surfeit of food and drink in the party
conceit - overweening, presumptuous, excessive pride
Eg: This guy is filled with conceit, always boasts himself with --> self -adulation.
proclivity - predilection, predisposition
Eg: He has a proclivity towards
perpetual, perennial - continuous, permanent
Eg: Ganges is a perennial river from Himalayas.
coalesce - mingle, amalgamate, come together
Eg: All those miniature streams coalesced to form a big river.
variegated - multicolored, poly chromatic
Eg: His house is full of variegated furniture. One can feel the rainbow colors.
indolent - lethargy, torpor
Eg: Great people were never indolent in their lives.
They were in state of torpor addicted to life of pleasure.
ruse, stratagem, red-herring, gambit = An action intended to deceive someone, scheme, plot
Eg: She thought of a ruse to get make him go out of the town.
His argument is a red herring which made all to deviate from the current issue.
recant, retract - take back the statement once said.
Eg: He publicly recanted his support to the organisation.
She retracted her words, once she understood the meaning of the words
forswear - renounce something.
Eg: The once nuclear country now forswore manufacturing nuclear weapons.
moribund - dying, very sick
Eg: After many years of suffering moribund lives, the govt's financial aid was a boon to them.
paradigm - a typical example or a model of something.
Eg: This village is a paradigm of Organic agricultural growth in the entire country.
virulent, venomous - extremely severe and harmful, life threatening.
Eg: Ebola virus is considered as virulent by the UNESCO.
unfeigned, unaffected - sincere ie.. without artificiality.
Eg: He is unfeigned in his expressions, which the girl liked most.
genesis - origin, advent, beginning.
Eg: The advent of computers.
adroit, deft, slick, canny - skillful
Eg: He is an adroit in painting.
nascent - recently formed, beginning to display signs of future potential.
Eg: AAP is the nascent political party.
reminiscent - resembling
Eg: The street lamp reflecting the white snow was reminiscent of the light radiating from the moon.
incandescent - full of strong emotion, passionate, vehement
Eg: She felt an incandescent love for life.
impassioned, fervent -showing great emotion, vehement, fervor
Eg: His impassioned anger broke his relationship with his wife.
craven, timorous, diffident, meek - lack of courage
Eg: Though he appears daring outside, he is craven inside.
onerous, arduous, herculean - burdensome, heavy , troublesome.
Eg: Earlier he thought life of a monk was simple and pleasant. However recently he came to know how onerous it is.
assiduous - showing great care and perseverance, meticulous, conscientious.
Eg: Her assiduous work made the project a great success.
despondent - low spirits from loss of hope or courage
Eg: Their despondent performance in the finals surprised everyone.
sordid - dishonorable, dirty actions
Eg: He gives a sordid impression with his bizarre dress style.
grotesque - malformed, distorted, deformed
Eg: Nikky Lauda, three time F1 champion became a grotesque figure after his F1 crash in 1976.
churlish - rude, ill-mannered
perturbed - unsettled, upset.
Eg: Sai was perturbed when he was watching the horror film The Conjuring.
tangy, piquant - sharp taste, flavour
Eg: red chillies are famous for tangy odor and piquant taste.
Eg: He has a parochial attitude.
reprisal - an act of retaliation
Eg: Three youths died in the reprisals that followed
anathema - extreme hatred, vehemently disliking.
Eg: Copernicus was the anathema for the church
desecrate - destructing sacred places
Eg: Mughals desecrated the south Indian sacred monuments.
apostasy - [if we are following a religion, if we change the religion and start criticizing or work against the previous religion, then it is called apostasy. The person is called an apostat.]
sanctimonious - pretending to be morally greater than other people.
Eg: King's sanctimonious rebuke.
iconoclast - one who attacks established beliefs.
equanimity - calmness and composure
imperturbability - cool and calm.
Eg: Dolly Madison, was known especially for her imperturbability (equanimity), remaining calm even after British invaded Washington DC during the war of 1812.
cynical - 1) one who hates others because he believe that they do everything expecting in return.
2) skeptical, doubtful, distrust.
Eg: Most urbanites are cynical about government policies.
Malfeasance - wrong doing or misconduct.
Eg: The official could not be saved from the malfeasance charges.
lascivious, lecherous, libidinous, licentious, prurient, perversion -
excessive interest in unprincipled, dishonorable sexual matters.
embroiled - is to involve in some difficult situation or in a scandal.
Eg: Many famous politicians are embroiled in recent sexual scandals.
imbroglio - is a confused and embarrassed situation
Eg: a political imbroglio.
venal - corrupt or taking bribes.
Eg: our local govt. officers are notoriously venal.
Prevaricate - to talk evasively.
Eg: Politicians are known for prevarication when interviewed by journalists.
turpitude, depravity - if something is an act of turpitude then it is very very bad act of
malfeasance. going very low in dignity.
Thrift - wise spending, frugal
spend-thrift - to spend lavishly.
Eg: He is a spend-thrift, he is able to spend millions in one day.
parsimonious - miser, stingy.
Eg: for the first time his parsimonious friend paid the bill.
sybarite, voluptuary = one who wants to gratify his sensual pleasures, known for notorious luxuries.
Eg: The prince was remembered as a sybarite, not as a great warrior.
sensualist - one who wants gratify his sensual pleasures.
debauchee - person involving in immorality, sex, drugs. an act of debauchery(noun)
impecunious - having no money
Eg: he always thinks of his impecunious family while spending something.
penurious - poor, miserable
Eg: He couldn't face another year of penury.
insolvent - unable to pay his debts
Eg: His insolvency made him bankrupt.
affluent - rich, wealthy.
profligate - one who spends extravagantly, lavishly
Eg: The affluent father has a profligate son, who does not know the value of money.
prodigal - squandering money, spending wastefully
Eg: His prodigality vanished his wealth in two years.
avarice - excessive greed for money, wealth, possessions
Eg: The bank official embezzlement was motivated by pure avarice.
cupidity - greed for wealth and possessions.
Eg: because if inflamed cupidity, the pirates robbed the ship.
defray - pay for someone/something
Eg: My uncle defrayed the heavy tuition fees, which put me in qualms.
stipend - a fixed amount for students for assistance.
pittance - very small amount of money
Eg: This internship paid me a pittance.
dupe - A person who is easily swindled or deceived
Eg: The newspaper was duped into publishing untrue story.
mulct - fine or giving penalty for someone.
Eg: The govt increased the mulct for traffic rule-breakers.
fleece - thieving, to obtain great deal of money by swindling or duping
Eg: The city's cab drivers are notorious for fleecing tourists.
zenith, apex, acme, summit, pinnacle, apogee - highest point
Eg: He reached the zenith of his career.
Apotheosis- god like
Eg: Sachin is considered as the apotheosis of cricket.
nadir - bottom
Eg: His career in now in nadir.
untoward - not favorable
Eg: The sailors faced untoward situation en-route to England.
upbraid - rebuke
Eg: he was upbraided for his misbehavior.
underwrite - is to support financially
Eg: my father underwrited me for my new business
overweening - presumptuous, over confident and proud.
Eg: His attitude seems overweening.
dearth - paucity, rare, scarcity
Eg: There is a dearth of outstanding talent in music industry.
surfeit - surplus, excess
Eg: There was a surfeit of food and drink in the party
conceit - overweening, presumptuous, excessive pride
Eg: This guy is filled with conceit, always boasts himself with --> self -adulation.
proclivity - predilection, predisposition
Eg: He has a proclivity towards
perpetual, perennial - continuous, permanent
Eg: Ganges is a perennial river from Himalayas.
coalesce - mingle, amalgamate, come together
Eg: All those miniature streams coalesced to form a big river.
variegated - multicolored, poly chromatic
Eg: His house is full of variegated furniture. One can feel the rainbow colors.
indolent - lethargy, torpor
Eg: Great people were never indolent in their lives.
They were in state of torpor addicted to life of pleasure.
ruse, stratagem, red-herring, gambit = An action intended to deceive someone, scheme, plot
Eg: She thought of a ruse to get make him go out of the town.
His argument is a red herring which made all to deviate from the current issue.
recant, retract - take back the statement once said.
Eg: He publicly recanted his support to the organisation.
She retracted her words, once she understood the meaning of the words
forswear - renounce something.
Eg: The once nuclear country now forswore manufacturing nuclear weapons.
moribund - dying, very sick
Eg: After many years of suffering moribund lives, the govt's financial aid was a boon to them.
paradigm - a typical example or a model of something.
Eg: This village is a paradigm of Organic agricultural growth in the entire country.
virulent, venomous - extremely severe and harmful, life threatening.
Eg: Ebola virus is considered as virulent by the UNESCO.
unfeigned, unaffected - sincere ie.. without artificiality.
Eg: He is unfeigned in his expressions, which the girl liked most.
genesis - origin, advent, beginning.
Eg: The advent of computers.
adroit, deft, slick, canny - skillful
Eg: He is an adroit in painting.
nascent - recently formed, beginning to display signs of future potential.
Eg: AAP is the nascent political party.
reminiscent - resembling
Eg: The street lamp reflecting the white snow was reminiscent of the light radiating from the moon.
incandescent - full of strong emotion, passionate, vehement
Eg: She felt an incandescent love for life.
impassioned, fervent -showing great emotion, vehement, fervor
Eg: His impassioned anger broke his relationship with his wife.
craven, timorous, diffident, meek - lack of courage
Eg: Though he appears daring outside, he is craven inside.
onerous, arduous, herculean - burdensome, heavy , troublesome.
Eg: Earlier he thought life of a monk was simple and pleasant. However recently he came to know how onerous it is.
assiduous - showing great care and perseverance, meticulous, conscientious.
Eg: Her assiduous work made the project a great success.
despondent - low spirits from loss of hope or courage
Eg: Their despondent performance in the finals surprised everyone.
sordid - dishonorable, dirty actions
Eg: He gives a sordid impression with his bizarre dress style.
grotesque - malformed, distorted, deformed
Eg: Nikky Lauda, three time F1 champion became a grotesque figure after his F1 crash in 1976.
churlish - rude, ill-mannered
perturbed - unsettled, upset.
Eg: Sai was perturbed when he was watching the horror film The Conjuring.
tangy, piquant - sharp taste, flavour
Eg: red chillies are famous for tangy odor and piquant taste.