Monday, September 8, 2014


High Frequency A words.

ABERRANT                                           ABATE                                            AMALGAMATE    

ABSCOND                                             ACCOLADE                                    ARCHAIC              

ALACRITY                                            ADULATION                                  AVER            

ANOMALY                                            AESTHETIC                                    ACERBIC            

APPROBATION                                    AMELIORATE                                 AGGRANDIZE      

ARDUOUS                                             ASCETIC                                          ALCHEMY    

ASSUAGE                                              AVARICE                                         AMENABLE    

AUDACIOUS                                         AXIOM                                             ANACHRONISM

AUSTERE                                              ACUMEN                                          ASTRINGENT    

AXIOMATIC                                         ADULTERATE

High frequency B words

BUCOLIC                                                BOLSTER                                    BOMBAST


High frequency C words

CANONICAL                                   CACOPHONY                                   CHARY

CAPRICIOUS                                   CANON                                              COGENT

CENSURE                                        CASTIGATION                                  COMPLAISANCE

CHICANERY                                   CATALYST                                        CONTENTIOUS

CONVOLUTED                               CAUSTIC                                            CONTRITE

CULPABLE                                    CONTIGUOUS                                   CREDULOUS

High frequency D words

DISABUSE                                   DIRGE                                     DISINTERESTED  

DISCORDANT                             DEMUR                                   DOGMATIC

DISPARATE                                 DIDACTIC                              DIATRIBE      

DEARTH                                       DISCRETION                         DISSEMBLE

DECORUM                                   DERISION                              DESICCATE

DILETTANTE                              DISPARAGE                           DIVULGE

High frequency E words

EFFRONTERY                           EBULLIENT                            ESOTERIC                  

ELOQUENT                                EMOLLIENT                           EULOGY          

ENERVATE                                 ECLECTIC                              EXONERATE        

ENNUI                                          ELEGY                                   EVANESCENT

EQUIVOCATE                             EMPIRICAL                          EXACERBATE                  

ERUDITE                                     ENIGMATIC                           ENDEMIC        

EXIGENT                                     EPHEMERAL                          ECCENTRIC

High frequency F words

FILIBUSTER                              FURTIVE                                  FERVENT        

FULMINATE                             FALLACY                                 FAWN      

FACETIOUS                               FORTUITOUS                          FLOUT

High frequency G words

GREGARIOUS                           GRANDILOQUENCE                           GARRULOUS

GERMANE                                  GLIB

High frequency H words

HACKNEYED                            HEGEMONY                        HYPERBOLE            

HALCYON                                  HARANGUE                         HUBRIS              

HEDONISM                                 HERETICAL                                        

High frequency I words

IMMINENT                               IMPASSIVE                              IMPECUNIOUS            

IMMUTABLE                           IMPERTURBABLE                  INERT

IMPETUOUS                             IMPLACABLE                          INNOCUOUS

INDIFFERENT                          IMPUNITY                                INTRANSIGENT

INIMICAL                                  INCHOATE                              INVEIGLE          

INTRACTABLE                         INFELICITOUS                       INVEIGH      

INTREPID                                  INSIPID                                     INGENUOUS

INURED                                      IRASCIBLE

High frequency L words

LAUD                                     LUMINOUS

LUCID                                     LACONIC

LOQUACIOUS                       LUGUBRIOUS

High frequency M words

MUNIFICENT                     MOROSE                                         METICULOUS          

MAGNANIMITY                 MALEVOLENT                              MITIGATE          

MARTIAL                             MALLEABLE                                  MAVERICK          

MUNDANE                           MENDACITY                                  MERCURIAL


High frequency N words

NEOPHYTE                                NASCENT                         NEBULOUS          

NOXIOUS                                    NEOLOGISM

High frequency O words

OBTUSE                                     ODIOUS                               OBDURATE    

OBVIATE                                    OPAQUE                              OBSEQUIOUS

ONEROUS                                   OSCILLATION                    OCCLUDE

OPPROBRIUM                             OBFUSCATE                       OBSTINATE


High frequency    P words                                

PHLEGMATIC                          PROSAIC                           PLACATE                    

PLETHORA                               PUNGENT                          PITHY              

PRAGMATIC                             PEDAGOGY                       PITH                  

PRESUMPTUOUS                      PEDANTIC                       PLATITUDE                            

PRISTINE                                    PENURY                           PLUMMET          

PROBITY                                    PERVASIVE                      POLEMICAL              

PROCLIVITY                              PINE                                   PRODIGAL        

PROPENSITY                              PIRATE                              PROFUSE            

PROFLIGATE                              PITHY                                PROLIFERATE

PERNICIOUS                              PRODIGIOUS                     PARODY                              

PERUSE                                       PROLIFIC                           PERENNIAL                                      
PIOUS                                          PUTREFY                           PERFIDY                                        

PREEN                                          PAEAN                              PERFUNCTORY

PERSPICACIOUS                        PRATTLE                          PRECIPITATE

PREDILECTION                          PRESCIENCE                    PREVARICATE

High frequency Q words

QUALMS                                     QUERULOUS                       QUIXOTIC


High frequency R words

RECONDITE                          RANCOROUS                             RHETORIC                  

RAREFY                                 RECALCITRANT                        REDOUBTABLE                

REFULGENT                           REPUDIATE                                REFUTE              

RENEGE                                  RESCIND                                      RELEGATE

RECANT                                  REVERENT                                  RETICENT

High frequency S words

SOLICITOUS                          SATIRE                                     SUBPOENA                                

SORDID                                   SQUALID                                  SUCCINCT                                        

SPORADIC                              STOIC                                         SUPERFLUOUS                        
SQUANDER                            SUPPLANT                                 SURFEIT            

STUPEFY                                SALUBRIOUS                            SEDULOUS            

STYMIE                                   SOLVENT                                  SOPORIFIC    

STATIC                                    SPECIOUS                                 SPARSE

SYNTHESIS                             SPURIOUS                                 SUBTLE

High frequency T words

TACIT                                TIRADE                                TORQUE                                        

TERSE                               TRANSIENT                          TORTUOUS                                                

TOUT                                  TENUOUS                            TRUCULENT                                              

TRENCHANT                    TENACITY                           TRANSIENT                                            

TANGENTIAL                   TORPID      

High frequency U, V, W words

VERACITY                     VILIFY                              UNFEIGNED                 VEXATION

VORACIOUS                   VISCOUS                          VACILLATE                 VIGILANT

VIRULENT                       UBIQUITOUS                   VARIEGATED              VITUPERATE

VOLATILE                       WAVER

Z words







Saturday, August 30, 2014

Most used 60 GRE words - 3

Parochial - narrow minded
Eg: He has a parochial attitude.

reprisal - an act of retaliation
Eg: Three youths died in the reprisals that followed

anathema - extreme hatred, vehemently disliking.
Eg: Copernicus was the anathema for the church

desecrate - destructing sacred places
Eg: Mughals desecrated the south Indian sacred monuments.

apostasy - [if we are following a religion, if we change the religion and start criticizing or work against the previous religion, then it is called apostasy. The person is called an apostat.]

sanctimonious - pretending to be morally greater than other people.
Eg: King's sanctimonious rebuke.

iconoclast - one who attacks established beliefs.

equanimity - calmness and composure

imperturbability - cool and calm.
Eg: Dolly Madison, was known especially for her imperturbability (equanimity), remaining calm even after British invaded Washington DC during the war of 1812.

cynical - 1)  one who hates others because he believe that they do everything expecting in return.
              2) skeptical, doubtful, distrust.
Eg: Most urbanites are cynical about government policies.

Malfeasance - wrong doing or misconduct.
Eg: The official could not be saved from the malfeasance charges.

lascivious, lecherous, libidinous, licentious, prurient, perversion -
                                           excessive interest in unprincipled, dishonorable sexual matters.

embroiled - is to involve in some difficult situation or in a scandal.
Eg: Many famous politicians are embroiled in recent sexual scandals.

imbroglio - is a confused and embarrassed situation
Eg: a political imbroglio.

venal - corrupt or taking bribes.
Eg: our local govt. officers are notoriously venal.

Prevaricate - to talk evasively.
Eg: Politicians are known for prevarication when interviewed by journalists.

turpitude, depravity - if something is an act of turpitude then it is very very bad act of
                                                     malfeasance. going very low in dignity.

Thrift - wise spending, frugal

spend-thrift - to spend lavishly.
Eg: He is a spend-thrift, he is able to spend millions in one day.

parsimonious - miser, stingy.
Eg: for the first time his parsimonious friend paid the bill.

sybarite, voluptuary = one who wants to gratify his sensual pleasures, known for notorious luxuries.
Eg: The prince was remembered as a sybarite, not as a great warrior.

sensualist - one who wants gratify his sensual pleasures.

debauchee - person involving in immorality, sex, drugs. an act of debauchery(noun)

impecunious - having no money
Eg: he always thinks of his impecunious family while spending something.

penurious - poor, miserable
Eg: He couldn't face another year of penury.

insolvent - unable to pay his debts
Eg: His insolvency made him bankrupt.

affluent - rich, wealthy.

profligate - one who spends extravagantly, lavishly
Eg: The affluent father has a profligate son, who does not know the value of money.

prodigal - squandering money, spending wastefully
Eg: His prodigality vanished his wealth in two years.

avarice - excessive greed for money, wealth, possessions
Eg: The bank official embezzlement was motivated by pure avarice.

cupidity - greed for wealth and possessions.
Eg: because if inflamed cupidity, the pirates robbed the ship.

defray - pay for someone/something
Eg: My uncle defrayed the heavy tuition fees, which put me in qualms.

stipend - a fixed amount for students for assistance.

pittance - very small amount of money
Eg: This internship paid me a pittance.

dupe -  A person who is easily swindled or deceived
Eg: The newspaper was duped into publishing untrue story.

mulct - fine or giving penalty for someone.
Eg: The govt increased the mulct for traffic rule-breakers.

fleece - thieving, to obtain great deal of money by swindling or  duping
Eg: The city's cab drivers are notorious for fleecing tourists.

zenith, apex, acme, summit, pinnacle, apogee - highest point
Eg: He reached the zenith of his career.

Apotheosis- god like
Eg: Sachin is considered as the apotheosis of cricket.

nadir - bottom
Eg: His career in now in nadir.

untoward - not favorable
Eg: The sailors faced untoward situation en-route to England.

upbraid - rebuke
Eg: he was upbraided for his misbehavior.

underwrite - is to support financially
Eg: my father underwrited me for my new business

overweening - presumptuous, over confident and proud.
Eg: His attitude seems overweening.

dearth - paucity, rare, scarcity
Eg: There is a dearth of outstanding talent in music industry.

surfeit - surplus, excess
Eg: There was a surfeit of food and drink in the party

conceit - overweening, presumptuous, excessive pride
Eg: This guy is filled with conceit, always boasts himself with --> self -adulation.

proclivity - predilection, predisposition
Eg:  He has a proclivity towards

perpetual, perennial - continuous, permanent
Eg: Ganges is a perennial river from Himalayas.

coalesce - mingle, amalgamate, come together
Eg: All those miniature streams coalesced to form a big river.

variegated - multicolored, poly chromatic
Eg: His house is full of variegated furniture. One can feel the rainbow colors.

indolent - lethargy, torpor
Eg: Great people were never indolent in their lives.
      They were in state of torpor addicted to life of pleasure.

ruse, stratagem, red-herring, gambit = An action intended to deceive someone, scheme, plot
Eg: She thought of a ruse to get make him go out of the town.
      His argument is a red herring which made all to deviate from the current issue.

recant, retract  - take back the statement once said.
Eg: He publicly recanted his support to the organisation.
      She retracted her words, once she understood the meaning of the words

forswear - renounce something.
Eg: The once nuclear country now forswore manufacturing nuclear weapons.

moribund - dying, very sick
Eg: After many years of suffering moribund lives, the govt's financial aid was a boon to them.

paradigm - a typical example or a model of something.
Eg: This village is a paradigm of Organic agricultural growth in the entire country.

virulent, venomous - extremely severe and harmful, life threatening.
Eg: Ebola virus is considered as virulent by the UNESCO.

unfeigned, unaffected - sincere ie.. without artificiality.
Eg: He is unfeigned in his expressions, which the girl liked most.

genesis - origin, advent, beginning.
Eg: The advent of computers.

adroit, deft, slick, canny - skillful
Eg: He is an adroit in painting.

nascent - recently formed, beginning to display signs of future potential.
Eg: AAP is the nascent political party.

reminiscent - resembling
Eg: The street lamp reflecting the white snow was reminiscent of the light radiating from the moon.

incandescent - full of strong emotion, passionate, vehement
Eg: She felt an incandescent love for life.

impassioned, fervent -showing great emotion, vehement, fervor
Eg: His impassioned anger broke his relationship with his wife.

craven, timorous, diffident, meek - lack of courage
Eg: Though he appears daring outside, he is craven inside.

onerous, arduous, herculean - burdensome, heavy , troublesome.
Eg: Earlier he thought life of a monk was simple and pleasant. However recently he came to know how onerous it is.

assiduous - showing great care and perseverance, meticulous, conscientious.
Eg: Her assiduous work made the project a great success.

despondent - low spirits from loss of hope or courage
Eg: Their despondent performance in the finals surprised everyone.

sordid - dishonorable, dirty actions
Eg: He gives a sordid impression with his bizarre dress style.

grotesque - malformed, distorted, deformed
Eg: Nikky Lauda, three time F1 champion became a grotesque figure after his F1 crash in 1976.

churlish - rude, ill-mannered

perturbed - unsettled, upset.
Eg: Sai was perturbed when he was watching the horror film The Conjuring.

tangy, piquant - sharp taste, flavour
Eg: red chillies are famous for tangy odor and piquant taste.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Most used 60 GRE words - 2

sanguine - optimistic especially in hardship, similar to panglossian or pollyannaish.
Eg: He is sanguine about today's sensex.

martinet - a person who is strict and discipline.
Eg: The drill master is a martinet, one incorrect posture in the exercise makes him angry.

marionette - puppet worked by strings.
Eg: Salman's marionette show in Ohri's was hilarious.

curmudgeon - one (especially an old man) who is grouchy and always grumble about something or other,
                      bad tempered.
Eg: He is a curmudgeon, who always complains about the food.

virago - bad tempered woman.
Eg: In Indian films step mothers are portrayed as viragoes.

Prevaricate - speak or act in an evasive way, equivocate.
Eg: During the hearings, the witness prevaricated in order to protect his friend.

eccentric - etymologically out of center, different, slightly strange.
Eg: He is famous for his eccentric performance in the competition.

eclectic - heterogeneous, derived from various sources.
Eg: Harvard University offers an eclectic mix of courses for masters.

catholic - diverse, including wide variety of things.
Eg: His taste in music is pretty catholic.

vassal - slave, thrall, a person in the past who received protection and land from a lord in return for loyalty and service.

accomplice - a person part of a crime.
Eg: he is an accomplice in the murder.

cohort - a military unit, or a companion.
Eg: she and her cohorts are arrested for rave partying.

impassioned - showing great emotion.
Eg: she made an impassioned plea for help.

objective(adj) - impartial, unbiased
Eg: His objective decision satisfied everyone.

nonpartisan - [partisan - is someone who is supporting for a party], is neutral, not biased
Eg: nonpartisan observers who where there for a fair election.

sporadic - not frequent, irregular.
Eg: a sporadic disease is which present in only one area and not omnipresent like AIDS

endemic - regularly found in some area, or some people.
Eg: Kangaroos are endemic to Australia.

Epidemic - wide spread, out break.
Eg: A disease is epidemic if it is wide spread due to sudden out break like bird-flu.

pandemic - prevalent over the whole world.
Eg: AIDS is pandemic disease.

Pervasive - extensive, ubiquitous, omnipresent
Eg: Caste system is pervasive in India.

soporific - tending to sleep, drowsy
Eg: Soporific physics lecture.

spurious - false/fake
Eg: The spurious son of the king made a disastrous attempt to claim the throne.

fallacy - a misconception, mistaken belief, wrong belief.
Eg: The once-common fallacy that girls just weren't good at math.

imminent - about to happen, forthcoming.
Eg: There was an imminent danger.

immanent - innate, internal, inherent, within.
Eg: He always helps others, that is his immanent quality.

volatile - changes rapidly and unpredictably
Eg: His attitude is volatile, his friends can never predict his mood.

squander - to spend lavishly, extravagantly, wastefully.
Syn - splurge
Eg: he squandered all his father wealth after his sudden demise.

economize - spend less, reduce ones expenses.
Eg: He economized his budget for his upcoming tour.

skimpy - short or revealing Eg: she wore skimpy shorts.
               meagre, limited   Eg: I have a skimpy knowledge in martial arts.

discretion - quality of showing discernment and prudent. He carefully talks, circumspection.
Eg: Everyone relied on the guide's discretion on the trip to amazon in the jungle.

discern - to find out, detect with senses (vision, smell, touch...)
Eg: He discerned a strange odor.
      He discerned a figure approaching in the dark.

forestall - prevent or obstruct.
Eg: there would have a fight taken place between the teams, but the referee forestalled it.

reconcile - restore the friendly relations.
Eg: The two political rivals reconciled publicly.

conciliate - to pacify, alleviate, to soothe
Eg: He conciliated his friend and forestalled him to go into the fight.

dilapidated - in a state of huge repair, ramshackle.
Eg: old, dilapidated buildings should be rebuilt soon.

antithesis - the exact opposite, contrast
Eg: love is the antithesis of selfishness.

predilection(noun) - partial, bias, liking for something.
Eg: The old woman with a predilection of telling old tales.

precursor - a person or thing comes before of the same kind, parent, ancestor
Eg: Adam smith is the precursor of economics.

impediments - to impede is to obstruct, hindrance.
Eg: a serious impediments to scientific progress.

animosity - excessive hatred, hostility.
Eg: They kept their personal animosities aside, so that they can work together.

qualms - an uneasy feeling of worry, doubt.
Eg: Students had qualms due to the increased fee in their colleges.

persuasive - persuade someone to believe something, convince.
Eg: He persuasive speech won him award in the competition.

plummet - fall or drop down straight down at high speed, sink.
Eg: Unemployment and less jobs has plummeted the spirits of youth in India.

dauntless - fearless, courageous.
daunting - subdued, lower once spirits, intimidating.

morose - gloomy and bad tempered.
Eg: she was morose when she got home.

uncultivated - uneducated.
Eg: he is an uncultivated soldier.

hyperbole - exaggerating things, over-magnification.
Eg: Her stories are with full of hyperboles.

elegy - mournful poems remembering dead persons.

embellish - adorn, make more attractive with decorations.
Eg: she embellished her house with Christmas trees, bells for the Christmas.

waffle - nonsensical talk, vague talk.
Eg: He waffled on about his problems.

enunciatearticulate - speak clearly
Eg: She enunciated each word slowly.

brawnysubstantial-  strong and muscular.
Eg: Store manager always asked for the brawniest person for the weight lifting.

curtail - decrease, diminish
Eg: The news laws are an effort to curtail illegal drug use.

cumbersome - large and heavy and therefore difficult to carry and use

Eg : Cumbersome space suits.

advocate , championed = to support an argument or cause.
Eg: He advocated for working against sexual harassment of women.

corroborate - support with additional proof, confirm.
Eg: witnesses corroborated the policeman's testimony.

impugned - dispute or challenge the truth, question.
Eg: He impugned her behind screen motives.

coddled,  pampered - excessive care, attention.
Eg: Mother coddles her kids.
      Judge was accused of pampering the criminals.

cantankerous - bad tempered.
Eg: They feared his cantankerous attitude.

recalcitrant,  intractable - stubborn or resistant to authority or control.
Eg: The university suspended the most recalcitrant students.

amenable - easily persuaded or controlled. exact opposite to recalcitrant.
Eg: The tumor is not amenable to surgical treatment.

genial - affable, friendly.
Eg: He is a genial person.

reprove, reproach, reprimand = express the disapproval, criticize harshly.

repudiate, refute = refuse to accept, reject

reprobate - to condemn strongly, disapproval

Monday, July 21, 2014

Most used 60 GRE words..

Esoteric - understood by a small section of people.
syn- Arcane
Eg: yoga, ayurveda are the ancient esoteric sciences.

Obfuscate obscure, not clear, confuse

Dilatory - slow to act, delay, Procrastinate
eg: His dilatory driving made everyone to reach office an hour late.

Polemic - a strong verbal attack on someone.
eg: Everyone made a polemic against Brasil on its world cup defeat by Germany.

Cramming - study intensively over a short period of time, completely fill to the point of overflowing.
eg: students crammed for their semester exams.

Epiphany - a moment of sudden realization.
eg: I had a moment of epiphany that I did not close my pants zip.

Alacrity - excessive enthusiasm.
eg: Phil goes to the gym with high alacrity.

Prosaic - dull and unimaginative 
eg: This is another prosaic movie with routine stuff revolving around love.

Veracity - truthful
eg: Politicians are hardly known for their veracity.

Paucity - scarcity, insufficient quantities.
eg: Scientists have a paucity of information about the birth of the universe.

Contrite - feeling remorse (regret) of something doing wrong.
eg: I shouted on my mom, later I became contrite and called her.

Disparate - different in kind.
Eg: biology and history are two disparate ancient sciences.

Egregious - outstandingly bad
eg: Suarez committed a egregious mistake in this world cup biting the other player.

Innocuous - harmless
Eg: Most of the germs are innocuous in nature.

Inoculate - vaccinate, inject.
Eg: Microorganisms are inoculated into the laboratory animals.

Erratic - high's and low's.
Eg: Stock market is notoriously erratic.

Errand - a small chore (job).
Eg: he used to finish his errands before noon.

Arrant - extreme, worst kind.
Eg: an arrant liar, an arrant fool.

Bleak - Bleak weather - cold, piercing, harsh and freezing weather.
            Bleak landscape. - lacking vegetation, barren land
            Bleak room - charmless and inhospitable
            Bleak situation - the situation is not hopeful, encouraging, not positive.

lugubrious - sounding sad, dirge.
eg: His face face looked even more lugubrious than usual.

Profuse - abundant, excessive
Eg: I received profuse appreciation after the dance

Extant - still in existence, not extinct.
Eg: James bond is the extant character created by Ian Flemming 50 years ago.

Sedulous - showing dedication, diligence
Eg: I watched the film film with the most sedulous care.

Meticulous - showing great attention
Eg: They did a meticulous job of restoring the painting.

Conscientious - very careful in doing what you are supposed to do.
Eg: He is a conscientious man, he did his duty perfectly.

Imbibe - intake of knowledge/ideas.
Eg: I imbibed the teachings of Swami Vivekananda.

Benighted - having no knowledge or education, ignorant.
Eg: Many parts of the world are still in the benighted stage.

Inundate - overwhelmed with too many things, flooded, deluge.
Eg: She was inundated with flowers and deluged with calls on her birthday.

Histrionic - excessively dramatic
Eg: She was accustomed to her mother's histrionics.

Demur - to show reluctance

Demure - shy, modest, reserved.
Eg: call a man demure, then they will surely demur.

Perfunctory - when it is routine, you do without enthusiasm, carelessness.

Preemptive - to act before someone else does.
Eg: He was about take his ID, I preemptively took it.

Peremptory - bossy and dominating.
Eg: My sister peremptorily told me to wash the dishes, I did them perfunctorily.

Indigent - poor
Eg: a charity for the need of indigent artists.

Indignant - feeling anger or annoyed due to unfair treatment.
Eg: when we are waiting for a coffee in a queue, if someone cuts in front of us and places an order then we become indignant.

Expurgate - to remove objectionable material, 'beeps' in films.

Expunge - to wipe off.
Eg: I expunged that bad incident from my mind.

Gerrymander - manipulate the boundaries of a city to win in an election.

Pollyannaish - optimistic, and cheerful.
Eg: children are always pollyannaish in nature.

Chauvinist - a person who thinks his sex/nation great and superior.
       Male chauvinist is the person who thinks males are superior than females

Pyrrhic - won at too great cost,
Eg: A defeat is better than pyrrhic victory since that devastating cost is tantamount(equal) to defeat.

Quotidian - ordinary and regular.
Eg: quotidian traffic.

Kafkaesque - People experience a kafkaesque situation in the government offices in India.

Quixotic - not practical, dreamer, utopian.
Eg: This is a vast and quixotic project.

Maudlin - excessive emotion.
Eg: maudlin films were quite popular in India in 70's.

Panglossian - excessively optimistic even in unrelieved hardship.
Eg: Scolari, Brasil's coach was with a panglossian hope to win the match after giving 7 goals to germany.

Malapropism - mixing up of words with similar sounds.
Eg: It is Malapropism, if you use protein actor, instead of protean.

Aplomb - to be confident.
Eg: he showed great aplomb in passing the psychological test.

Quisling - traitor
Eg: police arrested the quisling manager of the factory.

Byzantine - intricate, complicate
Eg: Europe is filled with many byzantine structures related to 17th century.

Labyrinthine - complicated networks and paths, simply a maze

Galvanize - inspire someone into taking an action.
Eg: The coach galvanized the team during the break seeing their low performance.

Supercilious - behaving as if he is superior, didainful.
Eg: A supercilious old man.

Protean - versatile in nature
Eg: he's a protean actor.

Sartorial - relating to clothes.
Eg: He has a poor sartorial taste.

Mercurial - unpredictable change in mood, capricious, fickle, volatile.
Eg: His fellow students always complained about his mercurial temperament. 

Jaundice - to be biased against as a result of envy and prejudice.
Eg: jealousy has jaundiced his judgement.

Jejune - insipid, dull.
Eg: he had a jejune breakfast.

Lament - express grief.
Eg: he was lamenting the death of his infant daughter.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Popular GRE words


               provident (far-sighted)







Vocabulary - 11

Adage - Proverb or a wise saying.
              "Behind every cloud there is a silver lining" - These type statements are called adages.
Synonyms -

Aphorism, Apothegm, Maxim, Saw, Epigram

-> With the help of a story if some one conveys wise saying then it is called a Parable or Fable.

               Eg: Story of a rabbit and a tortoise conveying a message that 'Slow and steady wins the race'.

Adamant - Rigid / inflexible / a person who refuses to change.
                Eg: He is adamant on his opinion.

This word can be used in both +ve and -ve way.


Intransigent - unwilling or refusing to change once views.

'in' - is a negative prefix and 'transition' - change

some words related to transition are

Transient or Transitory - anything through a process of change, ie..lasting for only short time.

                Eg: The period between the age 15 and 20 is considered as the transient or transitory period in
                      human beings because there will be enormous changes in the personalities, and our body
                      keeps on transforming.

Addendum - Adding at the end
                    [Additional documents attached to the book or some report]

Annexure - this word comes from root 'Nexus' which means link, just like the word connection.

                Eg:  There is a nexus between the businessman and this criminal.

So annexure is nothing but anything that is linked up to the main part of the book or something. There are annexure-1, annexure-2....etc

Addle - to confuse, to unable to think clearly,


Muddle, Fuddle, Befuddle, Obfuscate

                Eg: His behavior is obfuscating.
                      This is a bewildering incident.

Adjunct - add on, connecting to something.
Eg: Mr. A is an adjunct faculty of this university.

Adjure - to request/ plead/ appeal sincerely and seriously.
                     Eg: I adjure you to tell me the truth.


Beseech, Implore, Entreat

                    Eg: My mother implored me to think seriously about my goals.
                          The citizens beseeched the president to reduce the tax rates.

- So if someone requests a lot!! or if someone begs for something...lets look in to those words.

Cadge - ask someone, but as if they expect to get it.

                     Eg: He cadged a dinner from me.

Mendicant - 1) a beggar
                   2) a religious person / monk.

Alms / charity - Money, food or something which is given to someone who begs.

Eleemosynary - relating to charity, supported by charity.

               Eg: He used his vast fortune for establishing and funding eleemosynary institutions.

Mendicant often confused with
 Mendacious (adj)
 Mendacity (n)        - not telling the truth, lying.
               Eg: This article is filled with mendacious stories about celebrities.


Prevaricate - evasive, to avoid telling truth by not directly answering the question.
               Eg: He seemed to prevaricate when journalists asked the questions.

               Root word: Verity / Veracity - truth

                            Verify - to check if something is true or not.

                            Veritable - true / real
                                      Eg: Las Vegas is considered as the veritable paradise for many.

Dissemble : expressing or showing false feelings while hiding the true feelings.
               Eg: He dissembled happiness at the news that his girl friend was getting married.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Gre Freq words - Vocabulary 10

Renege - To refuse to do something that u promised to do
syn - deny, back-off.
Eg: Gandhi never reneged the principles that he promised to carry all his life.

Prosaic - dull or ordinary
Eg: The author gave prosaic details about the country life in his latest novel.

Resilient - able to become strong, healthy or successful again after some downfall,
            or regain original shape or elasticity.
Eg: This bed is with resilient cushioning

Insipid - not interesting or exciting, dull, life less.
Eg: This is an insipid movie with all the prosaic stuff about teenagers in love.

Rapacious - wanting more than in need, greedy
syn - ravenous, voracious
Eg: Many rapacious plunderers despoiled the tombs in the ancient pyramids.

Grumpy(adj) - easily annoyed or angered, short-tempered.
Eg: Our neighbour is a grumpy old man.

Sullen(adj) - often used to describe an angry or unhappy person, gloomy or resentfully silent
Eg: a sullen crowd
      a sullen morning(gloomy, gray and dark)

Astute(adj) - ability to notice and understand things or accurately assess situations.
Eg: an astute businessman

Specious - misleading in appearance, seeming plausible but actually wrong.
synonyms : unsound, fallacious
Eg: A specious argument.

Fathom - understand after much thought.
Eg: I couldn't understand why she made such a foolish decision.
Opp: unfathomable - incapable of being fully explored or understood.

Scathing - scorching, scornful.
Eg: he made scathing comments on the local govt.

Belie - to give a false idea, disguise.
Eg: His bright smile belied his mood.