Adage - Proverb or a wise saying.
"Behind every cloud there is a silver lining" - These type statements are called adages.
Synonyms -
Aphorism, Apothegm, Maxim, Saw, Epigram
-> With the help of a story if some one conveys wise saying then it is called a Parable or Fable.
Eg: Story of a rabbit and a tortoise conveying a message that 'Slow and steady wins the race'.
Adamant - Rigid / inflexible / a person who refuses to change.
Eg: He is adamant on his opinion.
This word can be used in both +ve and -ve way.
Intransigent - unwilling or refusing to change once views.
'in' - is a negative prefix and 'transition' - change
some words related to transition are
Transient or Transitory - anything through a process of change, ie..lasting for only short time.
Eg: The period between the age 15 and 20 is considered as the transient or transitory period in
human beings because there will be enormous changes in the personalities, and our body
keeps on transforming.
Addendum - Adding at the end
[Additional documents attached to the book or some report]
Annexure - this word comes from root 'Nexus' which means link, just like the word connection.
Eg: There is a nexus between the businessman and this criminal.
So annexure is nothing but anything that is linked up to the main part of the book or something. There are annexure-1, annexure-2....etc
Addle - to confuse, to unable to think clearly,
Muddle, Fuddle, Befuddle, Obfuscate
Eg: His behavior is obfuscating.
This is a bewildering incident.
Adjunct - add on, connecting to something.
Eg: Mr. A is an adjunct faculty of this university.
Adjure - to request/ plead/ appeal sincerely and seriously.
Eg: I adjure you to tell me the truth.
Beseech, Implore, Entreat
Eg: My mother implored me to think seriously about my goals.
The citizens beseeched the president to reduce the tax rates.
- So if someone requests a lot!! or if someone begs for something...lets look in to those words.
Cadge - ask someone, but as if they expect to get it.
Eg: He cadged a dinner from me.
Mendicant - 1) a beggar
2) a religious person / monk.
Alms / charity - Money, food or something which is given to someone who begs.
Eleemosynary - relating to charity, supported by charity.
Eg: He used his vast fortune for establishing and funding eleemosynary institutions.
Mendicant often confused with
Mendacious (adj)
Mendacity (n) - not telling the truth, lying.
Eg: This article is filled with mendacious stories about celebrities.
Prevaricate - evasive, to avoid telling truth by not directly answering the question.
Eg: He seemed to prevaricate when journalists asked the questions.
Root word: Verity / Veracity - truth
Verify - to check if something is true or not.
Veritable - true / real
Eg: Las Vegas is considered as the veritable paradise for many.
Dissemble : expressing or showing false feelings while hiding the true feelings.
Eg: He dissembled happiness at the news that his girl friend was getting married.
"Behind every cloud there is a silver lining" - These type statements are called adages.
Synonyms -
Aphorism, Apothegm, Maxim, Saw, Epigram
-> With the help of a story if some one conveys wise saying then it is called a Parable or Fable.
Eg: Story of a rabbit and a tortoise conveying a message that 'Slow and steady wins the race'.
Adamant - Rigid / inflexible / a person who refuses to change.
Eg: He is adamant on his opinion.
This word can be used in both +ve and -ve way.
Intransigent - unwilling or refusing to change once views.
'in' - is a negative prefix and 'transition' - change
some words related to transition are
Transient or Transitory - anything through a process of change, ie..lasting for only short time.
Eg: The period between the age 15 and 20 is considered as the transient or transitory period in
human beings because there will be enormous changes in the personalities, and our body
keeps on transforming.
Addendum - Adding at the end
[Additional documents attached to the book or some report]
Annexure - this word comes from root 'Nexus' which means link, just like the word connection.
Eg: There is a nexus between the businessman and this criminal.
So annexure is nothing but anything that is linked up to the main part of the book or something. There are annexure-1, annexure-2....etc
Addle - to confuse, to unable to think clearly,
Muddle, Fuddle, Befuddle, Obfuscate
Eg: His behavior is obfuscating.
This is a bewildering incident.
Adjunct - add on, connecting to something.
Eg: Mr. A is an adjunct faculty of this university.
Adjure - to request/ plead/ appeal sincerely and seriously.
Eg: I adjure you to tell me the truth.
Beseech, Implore, Entreat
Eg: My mother implored me to think seriously about my goals.
The citizens beseeched the president to reduce the tax rates.
- So if someone requests a lot!! or if someone begs for something...lets look in to those words.
Cadge - ask someone, but as if they expect to get it.
Eg: He cadged a dinner from me.
Mendicant - 1) a beggar
2) a religious person / monk.
Alms / charity - Money, food or something which is given to someone who begs.
Eleemosynary - relating to charity, supported by charity.
Eg: He used his vast fortune for establishing and funding eleemosynary institutions.
Mendicant often confused with
Mendacious (adj)
Mendacity (n) - not telling the truth, lying.
Eg: This article is filled with mendacious stories about celebrities.
Prevaricate - evasive, to avoid telling truth by not directly answering the question.
Eg: He seemed to prevaricate when journalists asked the questions.
Root word: Verity / Veracity - truth
Verify - to check if something is true or not.
Veritable - true / real
Eg: Las Vegas is considered as the veritable paradise for many.
Dissemble : expressing or showing false feelings while hiding the true feelings.
Eg: He dissembled happiness at the news that his girl friend was getting married.
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