Esoteric - understood by a small section of people.
syn- Arcane
syn- Arcane
Eg: yoga, ayurveda are the ancient esoteric sciences.
Obfuscate - obscure, not clear, confuse
Obfuscate - obscure, not clear, confuse
Dilatory - slow to act, delay, Procrastinate
eg: His dilatory driving made everyone to reach office an hour late.
Polemic - a strong verbal attack on someone.
eg: Everyone made a polemic against Brasil on its world cup defeat by Germany.
Cramming - study intensively over a short period of time, completely fill to the point of overflowing.
eg: students crammed for their semester exams.
Epiphany - a moment of sudden realization.
eg: I had a moment of epiphany that I did not close my pants zip.
Alacrity - excessive enthusiasm.
eg: Phil goes to the gym with high alacrity.
Prosaic - dull and unimaginative
eg: This is another prosaic movie with routine stuff revolving around love.
Veracity - truthful
eg: Politicians are hardly known for their veracity.
Paucity - scarcity, insufficient quantities.
eg: Scientists have a paucity of information about the birth of the universe.
Contrite - feeling remorse (regret) of something doing wrong.
eg: I shouted on my mom, later I became contrite and called her.
Disparate - different in kind.
Eg: biology and history are two disparate ancient sciences.
Egregious - outstandingly bad
eg: Suarez committed a egregious mistake in this world cup biting the other player.
Innocuous - harmless
Eg: Most of the germs are innocuous in nature.
Inoculate - vaccinate, inject.
Eg: Microorganisms are inoculated into the laboratory animals.
Erratic - high's and low's.
Eg: Stock market is notoriously erratic.
Errand - a small chore (job).
Eg: he used to finish his errands before noon.
Arrant - extreme, worst kind.
Eg: an arrant liar, an arrant fool.
Bleak - Bleak weather - cold, piercing, harsh and freezing weather.
Bleak landscape. - lacking vegetation, barren land
Bleak room - charmless and inhospitable
Bleak situation - the situation is not hopeful, encouraging, not positive.
lugubrious - sounding sad, dirge.
eg: His face face looked even more lugubrious than usual.
Profuse - abundant, excessive
Eg: I received profuse appreciation after the dance
Extant - still in existence, not extinct.
Eg: James bond is the extant character created by Ian Flemming 50 years ago.
Sedulous - showing dedication, diligence
Eg: I watched the film film with the most sedulous care.
Meticulous - showing great attention
Eg: They did a meticulous job of restoring the painting.
Eg: They did a meticulous job of restoring the painting.
Conscientious - very careful in doing what you are supposed to do.
Eg: He is a conscientious man, he did his duty perfectly.
Eg: He is a conscientious man, he did his duty perfectly.
Imbibe - intake of knowledge/ideas.
Eg: I imbibed the teachings of Swami Vivekananda.
Eg: I imbibed the teachings of Swami Vivekananda.
Benighted - having no knowledge or education, ignorant.
Eg: Many parts of the world are still in the benighted stage.
Eg: Many parts of the world are still in the benighted stage.
Inundate - overwhelmed with too many things, flooded, deluge.
Eg: She was inundated with flowers and deluged with calls on her birthday.
Histrionic - excessively dramatic
Eg: She was accustomed to her mother's histrionics.
Eg: She was inundated with flowers and deluged with calls on her birthday.
Histrionic - excessively dramatic
Eg: She was accustomed to her mother's histrionics.
Demur - to show reluctance
Demure - shy, modest, reserved.
Eg: call a man demure, then they will surely demur.
Eg: call a man demure, then they will surely demur.
Perfunctory - when it is routine, you do without enthusiasm, carelessness.
Preemptive - to act before someone else does.
Eg: He was about take his ID, I preemptively took it.
Peremptory - bossy and dominating.
Eg: My sister peremptorily told me to wash the dishes, I did them perfunctorily.
Eg: My sister peremptorily told me to wash the dishes, I did them perfunctorily.
Indigent - poor
Eg: a charity for the need of indigent artists.
Eg: a charity for the need of indigent artists.
Indignant - feeling anger or annoyed due to unfair treatment.
Eg: when we are waiting for a coffee in a queue, if someone cuts in front of us and places an order then we become indignant.
Eg: when we are waiting for a coffee in a queue, if someone cuts in front of us and places an order then we become indignant.
Expurgate - to remove objectionable material, 'beeps' in films.
Expunge - to wipe off.
Eg: I expunged that bad incident from my mind.
Eg: I expunged that bad incident from my mind.
Gerrymander - manipulate the boundaries of a city to win in an election.
Pollyannaish - optimistic, and cheerful.
Eg: children are always pollyannaish in nature.
Eg: children are always pollyannaish in nature.
Chauvinist - a person who thinks his sex/nation great and superior.
Male chauvinist is the person who thinks males are superior than females
Male chauvinist is the person who thinks males are superior than females
Pyrrhic - won at too great cost,
Eg: A defeat is better than pyrrhic victory since that devastating cost is tantamount(equal) to defeat.
Eg: A defeat is better than pyrrhic victory since that devastating cost is tantamount(equal) to defeat.
Quotidian - ordinary and regular.
Eg: quotidian traffic.
Eg: quotidian traffic.
Kafkaesque - People experience a kafkaesque situation in the government offices in India.
Quixotic - not practical, dreamer, utopian.
Eg: This is a vast and quixotic project.
Eg: This is a vast and quixotic project.
Maudlin - excessive emotion.
Eg: maudlin films were quite popular in India in 70's.
Eg: maudlin films were quite popular in India in 70's.
Panglossian - excessively optimistic even in unrelieved hardship.
Eg: Scolari, Brasil's coach was with a panglossian hope to win the match after giving 7 goals to germany.
Eg: Scolari, Brasil's coach was with a panglossian hope to win the match after giving 7 goals to germany.
Malapropism - mixing up of words with similar sounds.
Eg: It is Malapropism, if you use protein actor, instead of protean.
Eg: It is Malapropism, if you use protein actor, instead of protean.
Aplomb - to be confident.
Eg: he showed great aplomb in passing the psychological test.
Eg: he showed great aplomb in passing the psychological test.
Quisling - traitor
Eg: police arrested the quisling manager of the factory.
Eg: police arrested the quisling manager of the factory.
Byzantine - intricate, complicate
Eg: Europe is filled with many byzantine structures related to 17th century.
Labyrinthine - complicated networks and paths, simply a maze
Eg: Europe is filled with many byzantine structures related to 17th century.
Labyrinthine - complicated networks and paths, simply a maze
Galvanize - inspire someone into taking an action.
Eg: The coach galvanized the team during the break seeing their low performance.
Supercilious - behaving as if he is superior, didainful.
Eg: A supercilious old man.
Eg: A supercilious old man.
Protean - versatile in nature
Eg: he's a protean actor.
Eg: he's a protean actor.
Sartorial - relating to clothes.
Eg: He has a poor sartorial taste.
Eg: He has a poor sartorial taste.
Mercurial - unpredictable change in mood, capricious, fickle, volatile.
Eg: His fellow students always complained about his mercurial temperament.
Eg: His fellow students always complained about his mercurial temperament.
Jaundice - to be biased against as a result of envy and prejudice.
Eg: jealousy has jaundiced his judgement.
Eg: jealousy has jaundiced his judgement.
Jejune - insipid, dull.
Eg: he had a jejune breakfast.
Lament - express grief.
Eg: he was lamenting the death of his infant daughter.
Eg: he had a jejune breakfast.
Lament - express grief.
Eg: he was lamenting the death of his infant daughter.
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