sanguine - optimistic especially in hardship, similar to panglossian or pollyannaish.
Eg: He is sanguine about today's sensex.
martinet - a person who is strict and discipline.
Eg: The drill master is a martinet, one incorrect posture in the exercise makes him angry.
marionette - puppet worked by strings.
Eg: Salman's marionette show in Ohri's was hilarious.
Eg: The drill master is a martinet, one incorrect posture in the exercise makes him angry.
marionette - puppet worked by strings.
Eg: Salman's marionette show in Ohri's was hilarious.
curmudgeon - one (especially an old man) who is grouchy and always grumble about something or other,
bad tempered.
Eg: He is a curmudgeon, who always complains about the food.
bad tempered.
Eg: He is a curmudgeon, who always complains about the food.
virago - bad tempered woman.
Eg: In Indian films step mothers are portrayed as viragoes.
Eg: In Indian films step mothers are portrayed as viragoes.
Eg: During the hearings, the witness prevaricated in order to protect his friend.
eccentric - etymologically out of center, different, slightly strange.
Eg: He is famous for his eccentric performance in the competition.
eclectic - heterogeneous, derived from various sources.
Eg: Harvard University offers an eclectic mix of courses for masters.
catholic - diverse, including wide variety of things.
Eg: His taste in music is pretty catholic.
vassal - slave, thrall, a person in the past who received protection and land from a lord in return for loyalty and service.
accomplice - a person part of a crime.
Eg: he is an accomplice in the murder.
cohort - a military unit, or a companion.
Eg: she and her cohorts are arrested for rave partying.
impassioned - showing great emotion.
Eg: she made an impassioned plea for help.
objective(adj) - impartial, unbiased
Eg: His objective decision satisfied everyone.
nonpartisan - [partisan - is someone who is supporting for a party], is neutral, not biased
Eg: nonpartisan observers who where there for a fair election.
sporadic - not frequent, irregular.
Eg: a sporadic disease is which present in only one area and not omnipresent like AIDS
endemic - regularly found in some area, or some people.
Eg: Kangaroos are endemic to Australia.
Epidemic - wide spread, out break.
Eg: A disease is epidemic if it is wide spread due to sudden out break like bird-flu.
pandemic - prevalent over the whole world.
Eg: AIDS is pandemic disease.
Pervasive - extensive, ubiquitous, omnipresent
Eg: Caste system is pervasive in India.
soporific - tending to sleep, drowsy
Eg: Soporific physics lecture.
spurious - false/fake
Eg: The spurious son of the king made a disastrous attempt to claim the throne.
fallacy - a misconception, mistaken belief, wrong belief.
Eg: The once-common fallacy that girls just weren't good at math.
imminent - about to happen, forthcoming.
Eg: There was an imminent danger.
immanent - innate, internal, inherent, within.
Eg: He always helps others, that is his immanent quality.
volatile - changes rapidly and unpredictably
Eg: His attitude is volatile, his friends can never predict his mood.
squander - to spend lavishly, extravagantly, wastefully.
Syn - splurge
Eg: he squandered all his father wealth after his sudden demise.
economize - spend less, reduce ones expenses.
Eg: He economized his budget for his upcoming tour.
skimpy - short or revealing Eg: she wore skimpy shorts.
meagre, limited Eg: I have a skimpy knowledge in martial arts.
discretion - quality of showing discernment and prudent. He carefully talks, circumspection.
Eg: Everyone relied on the guide's discretion on the trip to amazon in the jungle.
discern - to find out, detect with senses (vision, smell, touch...)
Eg: He discerned a strange odor.
He discerned a figure approaching in the dark.
forestall - prevent or obstruct.
Eg: there would have a fight taken place between the teams, but the referee forestalled it.
reconcile - restore the friendly relations.
Eg: The two political rivals reconciled publicly.
conciliate - to pacify, alleviate, to soothe
Eg: He conciliated his friend and forestalled him to go into the fight.
dilapidated - in a state of huge repair, ramshackle.
Eg: old, dilapidated buildings should be rebuilt soon.
antithesis - the exact opposite, contrast
Eg: love is the antithesis of selfishness.
predilection(noun) - partial, bias, liking for something.
Eg: The old woman with a predilection of telling old tales.
precursor - a person or thing comes before of the same kind, parent, ancestor
Eg: Adam smith is the precursor of economics.
impediments - to impede is to obstruct, hindrance.
Eg: a serious impediments to scientific progress.
animosity - excessive hatred, hostility.
Eg: They kept their personal animosities aside, so that they can work together.
qualms - an uneasy feeling of worry, doubt.
Eg: Students had qualms due to the increased fee in their colleges.
persuasive - persuade someone to believe something, convince.
Eg: He persuasive speech won him award in the competition.
plummet - fall or drop down straight down at high speed, sink.
Eg: Unemployment and less jobs has plummeted the spirits of youth in India.
dauntless - fearless, courageous.
daunting - subdued, lower once spirits, intimidating.
morose - gloomy and bad tempered.
Eg: she was morose when she got home.
uncultivated - uneducated.
Eg: he is an uncultivated soldier.
hyperbole - exaggerating things, over-magnification.
Eg: Her stories are with full of hyperboles.
elegy - mournful poems remembering dead persons.
embellish - adorn, make more attractive with decorations.
Eg: she embellished her house with Christmas trees, bells for the Christmas.
waffle - nonsensical talk, vague talk.
Eg: He waffled on about his problems.
enunciate, articulate - speak clearly
Eg: She enunciated each word slowly.
brawny, substantial- strong and muscular.
Eg: Store manager always asked for the brawniest person for the weight lifting.
curtail - decrease, diminish
Eg: The news laws are an effort to curtail illegal drug use.

cumbersome - large and heavy and therefore difficult to carry and use
Eg : Cumbersome space suits.
advocate , championed = to support an argument or cause.
Eg: He advocated for working against sexual harassment of women.
corroborate - support with additional proof, confirm.
Eg: witnesses corroborated the policeman's testimony.
impugned - dispute or challenge the truth, question.
Eg: He impugned her behind screen motives.
coddled, pampered - excessive care, attention.
Eg: Mother coddles her kids.
Judge was accused of pampering the criminals.
cantankerous - bad tempered.
Eg: They feared his cantankerous attitude.
recalcitrant, intractable - stubborn or resistant to authority or control.
Eg: The university suspended the most recalcitrant students.
amenable - easily persuaded or controlled. exact opposite to recalcitrant.
Eg: The tumor is not amenable to surgical treatment.
genial - affable, friendly.
Eg: He is a genial person.
reprove, reproach, reprimand = express the disapproval, criticize harshly.
repudiate, refute = refuse to accept, reject
reprobate - to condemn strongly, disapproval