Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Vocabulary 1

            Vocabulary!! increase your word count, know how to express new ideas with amazing words. Not only know the lexical information but also know the strength of the word and apply it in your daily life.

            World revolves around money.It can build empires and destroy nations.

             Lets look at the important words spinning around money. One who has money and one who doesn't.

Destitution-  poverty so extreme that one lacks the means to provide for oneself

Penury- very poor and extreme poverty, lacking basic necessities

Indigence - comforts of life wholly lacking

 ---------towards less stronger sense in usage---------

 Destitution ========> penury==========>indigence

  ----------words related to poverty but not in a stronger sense. these include-------

Impecunious - having little or no money

Impoverish - make a person or area poor

Insolvent - bankrupt, unable to pay his debts

   -----------adjectives for being miserly,stingy or mean---------

close fisted - Parsimonious - unwilling to spend money 

niggardly - hating to spend money

Frugal - spending money wisely

These are the 10  words which spin around money frequently.

------------Lets see its counterpart in surplus---------

Affluent - having a great deal of money; wealthy

Opulent - Ostentatiously luxurious

sumptuous - Splendid and expensive looking, extravagant

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