Abbreviate : to communicate something in short form.
eg: USA is an abbreviated form of the United States of America
Acronym is also used similar to Abbreviate ie..
eg: USA is an acronym of the United States of America
UNO is an acronym of United Nations Organization
Abbreviate come from the root word Brevity (noun), Brief (adjective)-[telling something in short, precise or concise manner without loosing its essense]
eg: Its a brief passage or a brief speech.
He is known for his brevity.
Pithy- derived from the word pith, a botanical word. When a plant stem is cut, the central part is called pith
eg: His communication is Pithy [very direct, comes to the main (central) point]
2) Compendium (noun) : complete in depth information but as precise as possible, especially in the form of a book
Compendious (adjective)
eg: He is known for his compendious speeches.
I am working on a compendium of Indian presidents and their achievements.
3) Abstract- It consists of two different meanings.
a) (as a noun) Summary or broad overview- eg: an abstract of the thesis
b) (as an adjective) not clear, existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence. eg: an abstract art.
4) Curt, Terse - short and abrupt, little bit rude.
eg: A = how to do this assignment ?
B= sorry, I have work now, I will help you ASAP (polite way)
B= I dont know (curt way)
eg: His reply was curt.
- Some persons who are brief in conversation or hardly speak, reserved can be called as a Laconic, taciturn, reticent
-------words long communications-----------
prolix - very long, tediously lengthy eg: My friend wrote a prolix letter to me.
garrulous - excessively talkative eg: a Garrulous cab driver.
chatterbox - one who talks a lot eg: syd is a chatterbox.
verbose, loquacious, voluble
------speech which is indirect------
Tortuous - with full of twists and turns
eg: I took a tortuous road
A tortuous argument
A - who is she??
B - She's my wife (direct way)
B - She's my son's mom (tortuous way)
Tangent - eg: tangential talk (keep on talking other than important point)
Circumlocution - talking round and round.
Abeyance - a state of temporary suspension, indecisive phase, unable to decide.
eg: My promotion is kept in Abeyance
synonyms - Stalemate, Impasse, Deadlock, Checkmate
- All these words indicate that there is no further progress.
Impasse is often confused with PASSE
Passe- out of fashion eg: wearing those clothes is passe
your attitude is passe
Fad - temporary fashion or short lived fashion.
eg: fad diet (short term or temporary diet to reduce weight)
Vogue - prevailing fashion, popular.
eg: wearing this type of handbag is in vogue today.
This period saw a vogue for Japanese painting.
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