Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Vocabulary- 5

Abrasive (adjective) - Any rough surface that causes friction.
            eg: Abrasive surface [when your kitchen knife becomes blunt then you make it
                                             sharp using an abrasive surface]
Abrade (verb)

----------------------Lets see how this can be used in daily communication. -----------------------------

              Eg : He is an abrasive person. [ie.. he is rude, harsh or short tempered
                                                             in attitude or communication]
              Eg : My brother made abrasive comments about me.


Chafe : 1) harsh, irritative in speech or attitude .
             Eg : He was chafed by her comments.
             2) make or become sore by rubbing against something.
             Eg : the collar chafed his neck.

Acidic speech

Acidulous tongue [whenever he talks we feel somebody's throwing
                               acid on our body, ie.. feeling irritated]

Caustic comments on his famlily [sarcastic or in bitter way]

Acrid [very pungent or bitter]

Incisive [Scalpel- this is the knife used by a doctor for the surgery.
               With this knife the doctor makes cut on the skin. This is called Incision.]
            -ve way - When somebody makes a comment on us, we feel as if they are cutting with knives.

            +ve way - This person made an incisive analysis on the situation. ie.. clear analysis

Trenchant - Incisive in expressions

Acerbic - Harsh and hurtful.

 Abscission [word from medicine] [the underlined part sciss (scissors)]

             - to remove or cut a part of the body / any infected part in the body

Note : Abscission is often confused with Abscess [medical term] - a swollen wound which is filled with puss.

Obsession -over interested, over attached

                     Eg : I am obsessed with football
                            I am obsessed with food

Fanatic - A person who is excessively obsessed with something.

short form of fanatic is FAN

                     Eg : Nimmy is a fan of mahesh.


Absolve - Pardon or forgiving

                    Eg : I am absolving you of this crime [i.e.. washing away your guilt of this crime].

- In the church everyone will confess their deeds in the confession room to the priest hoping that Jesus will absolve their mistakes.

synonyms :

Exonerate, Vindicate

Exculpate - [Cupla - mistake, "Mea culpa" is a famous latin phrase which means "I sinned"]

                 -  declare that a person is not guilty of wrong doing.

Condone - to forgive / pardon knowing that he did the mistake

A - commited mistake

B - okayy!!! I condone you because you are my son.

C - There is no proof. So I exonerate / exculpate you beleiving that you did not do the crime.

--------------------words with 'culpa' as root-------------------------

Culprit - person who has done something wrong.

Culpable crime vs Non culpable crime

- When we kill a person accidentally in the process of protecting ourselves then it is a non culpable crime.

- When we kill a person knowing that you are commiting a crime then it is culpable crime.

Exonerate - (to remove the guilt / burden)

Onerous (adj) - Great deal of responsibility, burdensome.

Onus - eg : The onus of making this project successful lies on you.[i.e..burden or responsibility]

             eg : I am humbled by this onerous task.

Abstain - Stay away, to avoid

               eg : i would like to abstain from this voting.

                     Doctor advised me to abstain from liquor

Abstinence (noun) - eg : I started drinking after six years of abstinence.

Abstemious (adj)

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