Sunday, June 22, 2014

Vocabulary - 8

Abhor - extreme dislike, detest.

              Eg: I abhor the way people treat women in this country.

Abominate - to feel great hatred, extreme dislike.

              Eg: Many abominated the idea of monarchy in the present scenario.
                    He abominates alcohol and stood as a classic example for many in his region.

loathe - to hate (someone or something) very much.

               Eg: They were rivals who truly loathed each other.

Execrate - to dislike and criticize someone or something very strongly, deserving strong dislike

                Eg: One should execrate slaughtering animals and the people who support it.

Aversion - a strong dislike and disinclination.

                Eg: I have a deep-rooted aversion to the sight of blood shed.
                      She has an enduring aversion to pets mainly dogs.

Repugnance - intense dislike and disgust.

                 Eg: There was an arousing repugnance against the govt. for the governor's implausible statements.

Revulsion - very strong feeling of dislike, disgust and utter distaste.

                 Eg: The publication of autopsy photos promoted expressions of outrage and revulsion.

antipathy - settled aversion or dislike.

                 Eg: Cruelty to animals is one of my most deeply felt antipathies.

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