Sunday, June 15, 2014

Vocabulary - 7

Accommodate - provide sufficient space for. [this word comes from the word commodious]

Commodious - having enough space
               Eg : My house is very commodious.

Synonyms :

Capacious: Having a lot of space.
                Eg : She rummaged in her capacious hand bag for her hanky.

Roomy : spacious, plenty of space.
                 Eg : This building is roomy and well planned.

Accomplice - A person part of a crime
                  Eg : He is one of the accomplices in this case.
                        [Accomplice comes from the word complicity]

- group of persons coming / planning together to do something negative (crime).

synonyms :

Connive - conspire to do something immoral / unlawful
Connivance [noun]

Scheme [verb] - making some devious plan to do some crime.

Plotting - planning to do something negative.

Collusion - secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy in order to deceive others.
Collude [verb]

Collude sounds similar to collide 

Collide - to hit / bang some object.

Accomplice sounds similar to Accomplish

Accomplish - to achieve something.
                   Eg : He is an accomplished ballet dancer.

Accord -
Accordance [noun]  - to be in agreement with something.

Eg : I am in accord with this procedure.
        In accordance with the laws of this country we cannot do this here.

Accost - [This word is used in negative manner]
            - come face to face angrily and demand, address boldly and aggressively.
             Eg : Reporters accosted him in the street.

[so here when some one comes face to face angrily and demands us then we say say, "he accosted me", but when he comes and have a face - face friendly chat, then we say, "I had a Tete- e -Tete with him"]

Tete-e-Tete - one to one conversation or face to face conversation in a friendly way.
                        Eg : I had a Tete-e-Tete with my manager today.

Accoutre [v] - Equip in something noticeable  and impressive way.

Accoutrements - accompanying things [equipment related to a particular profession].
                         Eg : Night vision glasses, ammo, guns and knives are the basic accoutrements of the

synonyms :

Appurtenances -  accessory associated with particular activity, or style of living.
                         Eg : She looks great in her wedding appurtenances.

Paraphernalia - equipment needed for an activity.
                         Eg : He is a very rich man, but he doesn't uses any paraphernalia to show that.

Accretion - Growth / increasing or adding up of something.
                    Eg : The accretion of fund for the CSR increased tremendously in the final stages.

[This word came from the word Accrue]

Accrue [v] - accumulate or add up in an increasing amounts over time.
                          Eg : How much interest Accrues to my account if I deposit 1 million dollars in your
Accrual [n]- action of accruing.

Attrition - reduction / decrease in number of employees that occur when people leave the because
                 they resign, retire etc..
                          Eg : Attrition rate is 3% in the manufacturing industry but it is 26% in IT industry.

Atrophy [v] - [Biological term] - 1)  a gradual loss in muscle or tissue due to some disease or lack of
                                                      2) gradually decline in effectiveness or vigour.
                          Eg : Your vocab skills can atrophy without constant practicing.

                          Eg : He looks emaciated due to his muscle atrophy.

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