Thursday, June 12, 2014

Vocabulary 6

I did not understand the math class due to its abstruse calculations and recondite notations.

Abstruse- Very very complex and difficult to understand.


Recondite - Eg: This book is full of recondite information. [little known and abstruse]

Inscrutable - impossible to understand
                   Eg: The facial expression of this person is inscrutable.

                   Inscrutable comes from the word Scrutinize (verb) [examine closely and thoroughly]
                                  Eg: I would like to scrutinize your documents.
                   Scrutiny (noun) - Critical observation and examination.
                                  Eg:  X-men were placed under scrutiny

Poker faced - absolutely blank and expressionless face.
                   Eg: Poker faced girl [Sruthi hasan in Race gurram]

Profound (adj)-  very very deep in concept / knowledge [so if someone explains some profound concept, it
                                                                                      will be difficult to understand]
                   God, Religion all these are very profound concepts.

Obscure - remote / unimportant / insignificant, not clear

esoteric - known only to few people

Eg: Yoga, Ayurveda are esoteric ancient sciences.

------------lets know some words that define "easy to understand and clear"-----------------

Lucid - clear, extremely simple
            Eg : You are explaining this concept in a lucid manner.
                    That is a lucid conversation.

Limpid water , Pellucid liquid. [i.e.. very transparent and easily seen through]

Elucidate - Explain clearly.
             Eg : Please elucidate the reason why you are applied to this company.

Expatiate - Explain something too much in detail, more than necessary, amplify.

Enumerate - mention one by one.
               Eg : Please enumerate the factors on the following topic.

Abuse - These word can be used in two ways.

             1) misuse something.
                  Eg : The judge abused his power.
                         He is abusing the technology for the bad deeds.

              2) speak in an insulting and abusive way.
                   Eg : The referee was abused by the players in the football match.

Disabuse - This word is not an opposite of abuse. Lets loot into it.

                 Eg : I chose the wrong path but my father disabused me and put me in the correct path.
                                              [- to clear a wrong impression
                                               - stop somebody from getting in to the wrong path, cheated etc..
                                               - lead into the correct path.]

-----------Lets see the difference between disinterest, uninterested.-------------

Disinterest - impartial, unbiased, fair
                  Eg : His disinterested idea convinced the workers and made them to stop the strike.

Uninterested - not interested, not concerned.

                   Eg : I am totally uninterested in cricket.

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