Let us know about some words starting with alphabet A
Abase - (observe the word base in abase!!! base is nothing but lower point of something.)
Now in the different context we can say
------to make oneself low, to make oneself look cheap.
eg: Don't use bad language and abase yourself.
which means not to lower one's dignity and behave in a cheap manner.
synonyms- Debase, Degrade, Demeaning
eg: He is very mean to me
Abash - (observe the word bash which mean celebration
eg: Birthday bash, marriage bash, New year bash etc...
bashful- when some people excessively praise us then we feel embarrassed)
there comes abash which means feeling embarrassed
eg: He looked slightly abashed in the party
Abate - (observe the word bate in abate
eg: I went to a movie and I waited for climax with bated breath)
I am waiting for my test results with bated breath)
bated breath - holding one's breath due to suspense, excitement and anxiousness
in general sense abate is reduce/decrease in intensiy.
eg: I am waiting for my problems to get abated.
Its been raining for the past 4 hours, I am waiting for the rain to abate.
1) Dwindle-reduce/decrease
2) Wane - eg: The image of the politician is waning gradually
The patriotic feeling in younger generation is waning day by day
3) Diminish
4) Slacken
5) Subside- eg: I am waiting for the storm to subside (ie...to reduce)
Subsidy is the word from subside
eg: poor students are given subsidy of 10$ for books.
-----------------now lets see the opposite of decrease ie... to increase---------------
Burgeon: eg: the number of schols in our area is burgeoning ie....increasing
Balloon: eg: political parties are ballooning in number
Escalate, Mushroom
there are two other words which sounds similar to Abate, they are ABET, ABUT
ABET- to encourage a person to do something negative or bad
person who encourages to do negative is called ABETTOR
A did the crime
B is called the ABETTOR if he abetted him to do the crime
[another word which sounds similar to ABETTOR is ABATTOIR
ABATTOIR- slaughterhouse, where animals are killed]
synonyms of Abet- provoke and instigate= these words are negative in sense.
if anyone encourages in a +ve sense then we use the words
Impetus and stimulus
eg: my friend provided me impetus/stimulus to write GRE
now lets know about ABUT = adjacent/side by side
eg: My house is abutting walmart
CONcomitant - my house is concomitant to walmart
CONtiguos - adjacent, neighbour
here we can see a root word CON
CONfluence - convergence, merging
USA is a diverse country because it is a confluence of different cultures
CONclave - private meeting
it is a conclave of all the senators from different states of USA
Abase - (observe the word base in abase!!! base is nothing but lower point of something.)
Now in the different context we can say
------to make oneself low, to make oneself look cheap.
eg: Don't use bad language and abase yourself.
which means not to lower one's dignity and behave in a cheap manner.
synonyms- Debase, Degrade, Demeaning
eg: He is very mean to me
Abash - (observe the word bash which mean celebration
eg: Birthday bash, marriage bash, New year bash etc...
bashful- when some people excessively praise us then we feel embarrassed)
there comes abash which means feeling embarrassed
eg: He looked slightly abashed in the party
Abate - (observe the word bate in abate
eg: I went to a movie and I waited for climax with bated breath)
I am waiting for my test results with bated breath)
bated breath - holding one's breath due to suspense, excitement and anxiousness
in general sense abate is reduce/decrease in intensiy.
eg: I am waiting for my problems to get abated.
Its been raining for the past 4 hours, I am waiting for the rain to abate.
1) Dwindle-reduce/decrease
2) Wane - eg: The image of the politician is waning gradually
The patriotic feeling in younger generation is waning day by day
3) Diminish
4) Slacken
5) Subside- eg: I am waiting for the storm to subside (ie...to reduce)
Subsidy is the word from subside
eg: poor students are given subsidy of 10$ for books.
-----------------now lets see the opposite of decrease ie... to increase---------------
Burgeon: eg: the number of schols in our area is burgeoning ie....increasing
Balloon: eg: political parties are ballooning in number
Escalate, Mushroom
there are two other words which sounds similar to Abate, they are ABET, ABUT
ABET- to encourage a person to do something negative or bad
person who encourages to do negative is called ABETTOR
A did the crime
B is called the ABETTOR if he abetted him to do the crime
[another word which sounds similar to ABETTOR is ABATTOIR
ABATTOIR- slaughterhouse, where animals are killed]
synonyms of Abet- provoke and instigate= these words are negative in sense.
if anyone encourages in a +ve sense then we use the words
Impetus and stimulus
eg: my friend provided me impetus/stimulus to write GRE
now lets know about ABUT = adjacent/side by side
eg: My house is abutting walmart
CONcomitant - my house is concomitant to walmart
CONtiguos - adjacent, neighbour
here we can see a root word CON
CONfluence - convergence, merging
USA is a diverse country because it is a confluence of different cultures
CONclave - private meeting
it is a conclave of all the senators from different states of USA
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