Sunday, June 29, 2014

Gre Freq words - Vocabulary 10

Renege - To refuse to do something that u promised to do
syn - deny, back-off.
Eg: Gandhi never reneged the principles that he promised to carry all his life.

Prosaic - dull or ordinary
Eg: The author gave prosaic details about the country life in his latest novel.

Resilient - able to become strong, healthy or successful again after some downfall,
            or regain original shape or elasticity.
Eg: This bed is with resilient cushioning

Insipid - not interesting or exciting, dull, life less.
Eg: This is an insipid movie with all the prosaic stuff about teenagers in love.

Rapacious - wanting more than in need, greedy
syn - ravenous, voracious
Eg: Many rapacious plunderers despoiled the tombs in the ancient pyramids.

Grumpy(adj) - easily annoyed or angered, short-tempered.
Eg: Our neighbour is a grumpy old man.

Sullen(adj) - often used to describe an angry or unhappy person, gloomy or resentfully silent
Eg: a sullen crowd
      a sullen morning(gloomy, gray and dark)

Astute(adj) - ability to notice and understand things or accurately assess situations.
Eg: an astute businessman

Specious - misleading in appearance, seeming plausible but actually wrong.
synonyms : unsound, fallacious
Eg: A specious argument.

Fathom - understand after much thought.
Eg: I couldn't understand why she made such a foolish decision.
Opp: unfathomable - incapable of being fully explored or understood.

Scathing - scorching, scornful.
Eg: he made scathing comments on the local govt.

Belie - to give a false idea, disguise.
Eg: His bright smile belied his mood.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Confusing words - Vocabulary 9

Implicate - Show some one to be involved in a crime.
                             Eg: The villagers implicated their chief in the recent dual murders.

Imprecate - utter a curse.
                            Eg: He often imprecates others for his miserable life.

Implicit - not directly expressed but implied.

Comprehensive - including all aspects, all inclusive, complete.
                               Eg: a comprehensive victory [victory achieved with a huge margin]
                                     a comprehensive study of American history.

Comprehensible - understandable.
                                Eg: This book is not at all a comprehensible for the laymen.

Portentous - Giving a sign or warning that something bad is going to happen.
                                 Eg: 2012 is considered as portentous year for humanity by many of the astrologists.

Ponderous - dull, boring, lifeless.
                                  Eg: fell asleep during the ponderous speech.
                                        Spectators left because of their ponderous game.

seamy - sordid, disrespectful.
                                  Eg: He was involved in a seamy corruption scandal
                                        You can see the seamy side of the city.

seemly(adj) - conforming the standards of conduct and good taste,                                            behaviour
                                  Eg:  Its is not seemly to observe him closely.
                                         His seemly behaviour made him a respectable person in his area.

Ingenuous - truthful, naive, innocent and unsuspecting
                                  Eg: People like to talk to him because of his ingenuousness.

Ingenious - clever, imaginative, innovative.
                                   Eg: He is an ingenious story teller.

Indigenous - native, local, aboriginal.
                                    Eg: They are the indigenous people of Siberia.

Implacable - unable to appease, soothe.
                                     Eg: The bullet injured caused him an implacable pain.

Impeccable - faultless, flawless, perfect.
                                      Eg: His manners is impeccable.
                                            Very few persons will be as impeccable as Rachael is.

Insolent - rude, arrogant, lack of respect.
                                      Eg: He is known for his insolent behaviour.

Insolvent - bankrupt, unable to pay one's debts.
                                        Eg: The company became insolvent.

Impasse(n) - dead-lock, situation without any progress, dead end, stalemate, check mate
                                         Eg: the political impasse.
                                                My promotion is in impasse

Passe - Out of date, no longer fashionable

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Vocabulary - 8

Abhor - extreme dislike, detest.

              Eg: I abhor the way people treat women in this country.

Abominate - to feel great hatred, extreme dislike.

              Eg: Many abominated the idea of monarchy in the present scenario.
                    He abominates alcohol and stood as a classic example for many in his region.

loathe - to hate (someone or something) very much.

               Eg: They were rivals who truly loathed each other.

Execrate - to dislike and criticize someone or something very strongly, deserving strong dislike

                Eg: One should execrate slaughtering animals and the people who support it.

Aversion - a strong dislike and disinclination.

                Eg: I have a deep-rooted aversion to the sight of blood shed.
                      She has an enduring aversion to pets mainly dogs.

Repugnance - intense dislike and disgust.

                 Eg: There was an arousing repugnance against the govt. for the governor's implausible statements.

Revulsion - very strong feeling of dislike, disgust and utter distaste.

                 Eg: The publication of autopsy photos promoted expressions of outrage and revulsion.

antipathy - settled aversion or dislike.

                 Eg: Cruelty to animals is one of my most deeply felt antipathies.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Vocabulary - 7

Accommodate - provide sufficient space for. [this word comes from the word commodious]

Commodious - having enough space
               Eg : My house is very commodious.

Synonyms :

Capacious: Having a lot of space.
                Eg : She rummaged in her capacious hand bag for her hanky.

Roomy : spacious, plenty of space.
                 Eg : This building is roomy and well planned.

Accomplice - A person part of a crime
                  Eg : He is one of the accomplices in this case.
                        [Accomplice comes from the word complicity]

- group of persons coming / planning together to do something negative (crime).

synonyms :

Connive - conspire to do something immoral / unlawful
Connivance [noun]

Scheme [verb] - making some devious plan to do some crime.

Plotting - planning to do something negative.

Collusion - secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy in order to deceive others.
Collude [verb]

Collude sounds similar to collide 

Collide - to hit / bang some object.

Accomplice sounds similar to Accomplish

Accomplish - to achieve something.
                   Eg : He is an accomplished ballet dancer.

Accord -
Accordance [noun]  - to be in agreement with something.

Eg : I am in accord with this procedure.
        In accordance with the laws of this country we cannot do this here.

Accost - [This word is used in negative manner]
            - come face to face angrily and demand, address boldly and aggressively.
             Eg : Reporters accosted him in the street.

[so here when some one comes face to face angrily and demands us then we say say, "he accosted me", but when he comes and have a face - face friendly chat, then we say, "I had a Tete- e -Tete with him"]

Tete-e-Tete - one to one conversation or face to face conversation in a friendly way.
                        Eg : I had a Tete-e-Tete with my manager today.

Accoutre [v] - Equip in something noticeable  and impressive way.

Accoutrements - accompanying things [equipment related to a particular profession].
                         Eg : Night vision glasses, ammo, guns and knives are the basic accoutrements of the

synonyms :

Appurtenances -  accessory associated with particular activity, or style of living.
                         Eg : She looks great in her wedding appurtenances.

Paraphernalia - equipment needed for an activity.
                         Eg : He is a very rich man, but he doesn't uses any paraphernalia to show that.

Accretion - Growth / increasing or adding up of something.
                    Eg : The accretion of fund for the CSR increased tremendously in the final stages.

[This word came from the word Accrue]

Accrue [v] - accumulate or add up in an increasing amounts over time.
                          Eg : How much interest Accrues to my account if I deposit 1 million dollars in your
Accrual [n]- action of accruing.

Attrition - reduction / decrease in number of employees that occur when people leave the because
                 they resign, retire etc..
                          Eg : Attrition rate is 3% in the manufacturing industry but it is 26% in IT industry.

Atrophy [v] - [Biological term] - 1)  a gradual loss in muscle or tissue due to some disease or lack of
                                                      2) gradually decline in effectiveness or vigour.
                          Eg : Your vocab skills can atrophy without constant practicing.

                          Eg : He looks emaciated due to his muscle atrophy.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Vocabulary 6

I did not understand the math class due to its abstruse calculations and recondite notations.

Abstruse- Very very complex and difficult to understand.


Recondite - Eg: This book is full of recondite information. [little known and abstruse]

Inscrutable - impossible to understand
                   Eg: The facial expression of this person is inscrutable.

                   Inscrutable comes from the word Scrutinize (verb) [examine closely and thoroughly]
                                  Eg: I would like to scrutinize your documents.
                   Scrutiny (noun) - Critical observation and examination.
                                  Eg:  X-men were placed under scrutiny

Poker faced - absolutely blank and expressionless face.
                   Eg: Poker faced girl [Sruthi hasan in Race gurram]

Profound (adj)-  very very deep in concept / knowledge [so if someone explains some profound concept, it
                                                                                      will be difficult to understand]
                   God, Religion all these are very profound concepts.

Obscure - remote / unimportant / insignificant, not clear

esoteric - known only to few people

Eg: Yoga, Ayurveda are esoteric ancient sciences.

------------lets know some words that define "easy to understand and clear"-----------------

Lucid - clear, extremely simple
            Eg : You are explaining this concept in a lucid manner.
                    That is a lucid conversation.

Limpid water , Pellucid liquid. [i.e.. very transparent and easily seen through]

Elucidate - Explain clearly.
             Eg : Please elucidate the reason why you are applied to this company.

Expatiate - Explain something too much in detail, more than necessary, amplify.

Enumerate - mention one by one.
               Eg : Please enumerate the factors on the following topic.

Abuse - These word can be used in two ways.

             1) misuse something.
                  Eg : The judge abused his power.
                         He is abusing the technology for the bad deeds.

              2) speak in an insulting and abusive way.
                   Eg : The referee was abused by the players in the football match.

Disabuse - This word is not an opposite of abuse. Lets loot into it.

                 Eg : I chose the wrong path but my father disabused me and put me in the correct path.
                                              [- to clear a wrong impression
                                               - stop somebody from getting in to the wrong path, cheated etc..
                                               - lead into the correct path.]

-----------Lets see the difference between disinterest, uninterested.-------------

Disinterest - impartial, unbiased, fair
                  Eg : His disinterested idea convinced the workers and made them to stop the strike.

Uninterested - not interested, not concerned.

                   Eg : I am totally uninterested in cricket.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Vocabulary- 5

Abrasive (adjective) - Any rough surface that causes friction.
            eg: Abrasive surface [when your kitchen knife becomes blunt then you make it
                                             sharp using an abrasive surface]
Abrade (verb)

----------------------Lets see how this can be used in daily communication. -----------------------------

              Eg : He is an abrasive person. [ie.. he is rude, harsh or short tempered
                                                             in attitude or communication]
              Eg : My brother made abrasive comments about me.


Chafe : 1) harsh, irritative in speech or attitude .
             Eg : He was chafed by her comments.
             2) make or become sore by rubbing against something.
             Eg : the collar chafed his neck.

Acidic speech

Acidulous tongue [whenever he talks we feel somebody's throwing
                               acid on our body, ie.. feeling irritated]

Caustic comments on his famlily [sarcastic or in bitter way]

Acrid [very pungent or bitter]

Incisive [Scalpel- this is the knife used by a doctor for the surgery.
               With this knife the doctor makes cut on the skin. This is called Incision.]
            -ve way - When somebody makes a comment on us, we feel as if they are cutting with knives.

            +ve way - This person made an incisive analysis on the situation. ie.. clear analysis

Trenchant - Incisive in expressions

Acerbic - Harsh and hurtful.

 Abscission [word from medicine] [the underlined part sciss (scissors)]

             - to remove or cut a part of the body / any infected part in the body

Note : Abscission is often confused with Abscess [medical term] - a swollen wound which is filled with puss.

Obsession -over interested, over attached

                     Eg : I am obsessed with football
                            I am obsessed with food

Fanatic - A person who is excessively obsessed with something.

short form of fanatic is FAN

                     Eg : Nimmy is a fan of mahesh.


Absolve - Pardon or forgiving

                    Eg : I am absolving you of this crime [i.e.. washing away your guilt of this crime].

- In the church everyone will confess their deeds in the confession room to the priest hoping that Jesus will absolve their mistakes.

synonyms :

Exonerate, Vindicate

Exculpate - [Cupla - mistake, "Mea culpa" is a famous latin phrase which means "I sinned"]

                 -  declare that a person is not guilty of wrong doing.

Condone - to forgive / pardon knowing that he did the mistake

A - commited mistake

B - okayy!!! I condone you because you are my son.

C - There is no proof. So I exonerate / exculpate you beleiving that you did not do the crime.

--------------------words with 'culpa' as root-------------------------

Culprit - person who has done something wrong.

Culpable crime vs Non culpable crime

- When we kill a person accidentally in the process of protecting ourselves then it is a non culpable crime.

- When we kill a person knowing that you are commiting a crime then it is culpable crime.

Exonerate - (to remove the guilt / burden)

Onerous (adj) - Great deal of responsibility, burdensome.

Onus - eg : The onus of making this project successful lies on you.[i.e..burden or responsibility]

             eg : I am humbled by this onerous task.

Abstain - Stay away, to avoid

               eg : i would like to abstain from this voting.

                     Doctor advised me to abstain from liquor

Abstinence (noun) - eg : I started drinking after six years of abstinence.

Abstemious (adj)